U X / U I   P O R T F O L I O

Spaced theme art

An app prototype for
space travel destinations
to four planets 


An app prototype to alert users of proximity to
 feverish individuals within 10 feet

THE GOLD-DIRECTED DESIGN process is thorough and covers essential aspects of digital product development. To enhance clarity and ensure comprehensive coverage, I strongly consider the following:

User-Centric Research: Delve into user demographics, behaviors, and preferences, as well as domain-specific insights.

User Modeling and Contextual Analysis: Develop detailed personas and scenarios to understand user interactions within various contexts.

Requirements Definition: Clearly outline user, business, and technical requirements to guide product development.

Design Framework Establishment: Define the overarching structure and flow of the design to ensure usability and coherence.

Behavior, Form, and Content Refinement: Continuously iterate on user interactions, visual design elements, and content to optimize user experience.

Development Support: Provide ongoing support to developers, ensuring that design and functionality align with project goals.

To ensure a comprehensive approach, consider incorporating “research and testing” as integral components throughout the entire process.

This emphasizes the importance of gathering user feedback, validating design decisions, and refining the product iteratively to meet user needs effectively.

Let’s talk over coffee about providing your company, or your clients, with effective and progressive creativity!



Pat Mills-Sullivan, Owner
Marietta Georgia, USA